Streamline Your Giving Page & Mobile Giving

In a previous post, we talked about the power of leveraging the use of multiple Giving Pages.  Today, we will focus on Giving Pages that are designed to streamline the Giving Page, allowing for a minimal number of clicks to the point of donation. This will provide your mobile donors with a great giving experience and allow for easy navigation, especially when working with such limited screen space. Keep in mind that all DonateQ Giving Pages are mobile friendly and will take advantage of the phone’s user interface when displaying drop-down menus of the requested information.

Here are a few points we will discuss in this post:

1.  Encourage Donors to Create a Profile and Store an Account
2.  Select a Streamlined Category Style
3.  Post Your Streamlined Giving Page For Easy Access
4.  Create a Shortened URL for Your Streamlined Giving Page

Encourage Donors to Create a Profile and Store an Account
Donors who create a Profile save a lot of time when donating because they no longer have to enter their Billing Information. Their name, address, phone and email automatically populate the Giving Page once the donor logs into their Profile.  An optional choice donors have is to securely store an Account within their Profile.  This can be a credit/debit card or eCheck account to make future giving a breeze.  This saves the hassle of the donor having to locate their form of payment each time they wish to give.  Once a donor saves an Account to their Profile, they can choose from their stored Accounts to submit their donation.

Select a Streamlined Category Style
Depending on the number of Categories/Subcategories you are working with, you have some options to consider when displaying these within your Giving Page. Keep in mind, having all available Categories/Subcategories available isn’t wrong, but if you wanted to offer a more streamlined, targeted Giving Page, you should consider the following:

  • One Category On the Page: You may consider using this option to offer your most general Category to your mobile donors.  Maybe this category is “Tithes/Offering”, “General Fund”, or “Where Needed Most”.  The donor only needs to enter in the dollar amount they wish to give. 
  • Single Category List: This display format is great if you have a few Categories you are working with. This will show your Categories in a single list and the donor can enter in their dollar amounts. 
  • Fixed Amount Buttons with Category: This option allows you to provide some suggested dollar amounts with each of your Categories.  The donor just has to click the radio button next to the dollar amount they wish to give.  You do have the option to provide an “Other”, so the donor can still enter in a dollar amount of their choosing.

Post Your Streamlined Giving Page For Easy Access
Once you have a streamlined your Giving Page design, grab the URL to this page and post it to your website’s home page for easy access.  Remember, you want this link to be one-click away so that people can easily find it on your organization’s website.

Create a Shortened URL for Your Streamlined Giving Page
Take the URL for your new streamlined Giving Page and create a customized, shorted URL that will be easy for your donors to remember.  There are many sites out there that offer URL shortening and bookmarking service such as  It’s easy to use – just enter your Giving Page URL and bitly will shorten it to something like http://bitly/1ehsB8s.  If you create a free account, you can customize the portion of the link after bitly/.  You could work off the name of your organization, or it’s initials with “give” or “donate”.  The key is creating something that is easy for your donors to remember.  For example, if you were the Latah Creek Mission you could try bitly/Give2LatahCreek.

Putting these tips into action will streamline your Giving Page and provide your donors with the optimal giving experience, even when on the go.


The DonateQ software makes it easy for you to accept donations online. DonateQ offers multiple giving pages, the ability to set recurring donations, store donor accounts and more.