Welcome to Web Round-Up! Grab some coffee or your beverage of choice and click into the gems below. As always we strive to make these links a fun, yet practical interruption to your busy day.
3 Donor Retention Strategies – Compliments of Molly Ringwald, Jessie J, and Bruno Mars
Taking some cardinal truths of donor retention and connecting them with pop-culture references, Kathyrn Pauley with nonprofithub.org has posted this great read. Check it out and see if in addition to recognizing the songs you’re also following this sage advice in keeping your donors close and value
8 Things I Learned Hosting a Church Photo Booth
“The Creative Pastor” shares the huge success of their recent photo booth. After the jump you’ll read more about what worked perfectly and what they would do differently for next year. My church has done a photo booth and I agree it was not only great to participate but also to see all the faces of my church family posted together. Has your church done a photo booth before? Tell us about it the comments below!
9 Essential Email Inbox Filters
The opening line of this article gave me a good chuckle:
[box] “Tragically, if you’re like me, we live in a world where your average daily email volume exceeds the grand total of all the handwritten letters you’ve ever received.”[/box]
How many of you can related to that? I know I can. I would not be able to function if I did not use filters with my inbox. #truestory If your are not using filters, I encourage you to take a look at these great tips to better manage the daily deluge of email. It truly can make your day-to-day so much more efficient and removes the headache of an unruly inbox.
Excel Pro-Tip! How to Make a Chart or Graph in Excel
If you are comfortable working in Excel you can easily forget the “joy” it was to learn it for the first time (please note the sarcasm of that statement). Everyone is a first-time learner and if you don’t use that knowledge with some semblance of frequency it tends to fall out the back of your head. Can I get an amen? This is a great article (with video!) on how to take your spreadsheet data and easily turn it into an eye catching chart or graph. Are you an Excel beginner? Maybe you’ve used it for a while but haven’t use a graph or chart as of late. Jump over and take a look! Polish up those monthly report numbers with something eye catching and engaging for your next meeting.
Let us know if you enjoyed this edition of Web Round-Up. Better yet, if you have some fun, yet practical links burning in your inbox, post them in the comments below. We can’t wait to check them out!